

我知道在MySQL中使用INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE时,插入失败时会出现自动增量间隔.但是-我注意到,只有在违反唯一键约束的情况下才会出现这种差距.如果主键约束失败,则不会出现自动增量间隔.

I understand that when using INSERT ... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in MySQL there are auto increment gaps when an insert fails. However -- I've noticed that the gaps only occur when a unique key constraint is violated. If the primary key constraint fails, no auto increment gap occurs.


What's the reason for the difference between the two?



If the auto increment field is the primary key, then duplication in the primary key can only happen if you explicitly set the auto increment field's value in the insert statement to an already existing value in that field (why you would do this is beyond me).



When you insert any other value into an AUTO_INCREMENT column, the column is set to that value and the sequence is reset so that the next automatically generated value follows sequentially from the largest column value.


The point is, that in this case mysql does not try to generate a value for the auto increment column, but will use the value specified in the insert. Moreover, the sequence is also reset to the max value in the field, therefore the next insert will not have any gaps.


However, if another unique index constraint fails when you attempt the insert, then mysql has already generated the value for the auto increment field, therefore a gap is created in the auto increment sequence.