使用 C# 的窗口 CE5.0 应用程序


我是 Windows CE 应用程序开发的新手.我熟悉 C# 语言.我有 Web 应用程序开发经验,对智能设备应用程序开发的知识为 0.

I amm new to window CE application development. I am familiar with C# language. I have experience with web application development and have 0 knowledge on smart device application development.

我安装了 Visual Studio 2008 Professional,目前使用的是 MySql 数据库.我需要在 MC 70 Windows Mobile 5.0 平台上开发一个应用程序,它允许扫描二维码,显示二维码中存储的信息,并将这些信息通过互联网存储到数据库中.

I have Visual Studio 2008 Professional installed, currently using MySql database. I need to develop an application on MC 70 Windows Mobile 5.0 platform, which allows to scan a QR code, display the information stored in the QR code and store those information to database via internet.

根据我的研究,VS 2010 不支持window CE 应用程序,所以我下载了VS2008 专业版.

From my research, VS 2010 does not support window CE apps, so I downloaded VS2008 professional edition.

我的问题是:除了VS 2008 Pro和MySql数据库,还需要什么兼容的配套软件?网上有很多资料,比如虚拟PC7,模拟器3.0/5.0.

My question is: Besides VS 2008 Pro and MySql database, what are other compatible supporting software needed? There are many info on net such as virtual PC7, emulator 3.0/5.0.

我的电脑是 64 位系统.

My PC is a 64 bit system.

实际上,为移动设备开发应用程序与在桌面上开发应用程序没有太大区别——只是 Compact Framework 在以下领域的功能较少在移动设备上不太重要.

Actually, developing an application for a mobile device is not much different from developing an application on the desktop - only that the Compact Framework as less capabilities in areas that are not so important on a mobile device.

根据我的经验 - 我每天都使用 .NET 为工业设备开发移动应用程序 - 最好不要使用模拟器,而是在设备本身上进行调试,这很容易视觉工作室.第一步是将设备连接到您的系统,并确保每当您放置设备时,Windows Mobile 设备中心都会弹出,您可以浏览设备的文件系统.

From my experience - I develop mobile applications for industrial devices with .NET on a daily basis - it is best not to work with the emulator, but debug on the device itself, which is easy with Visual Studio. The first step is to connect the device to your system and make sure that whenever you cradle the device, the Windows Mobile Device Center pops up and you can browse the device's file system.

为了与数据库进行通信,我建议您开发两件事:1) 移动软件,它(例如通过 WCF 或 TCP/IP)与 2) 进行数据库工作的服务进行通信.

To communicate with the database, I suggest that you develop two things: 1) the mobile software, which (for example via WCF or TCP/IP) communicates with 2) a service that does the database work.

有一个 Visual Studio 2010 版本(电话版"),但它旨在为 Windows Phone 操作系统开发软件.使用 Visual Studio 2008 实际上是安全的.

Additional Note
There is an edition of Visual Studio 2010 ("Phone Edition"), but it is meant to develop software for the Windows Phone operating system. You are actually on the safe side when using Visual Studio 2008.

当然,您需要确保下载并安装制造商为相应移动设备提供的 SDK.对于 MC 70,这就是所谓的 EMDK,可以从摩托罗拉网站免费下载.

Of course you need to make sure to download and install the SDK provided by the manufacturer for the respective mobile device. For an MC 70 this is the so called EMDK, which can be downloaded for free from the Motorola web site.