WP7应用程序如何使用Facebook C#SDK发布本地图片?



I am developing a WP7 application and want to post a picture to the wall. I find that it need a URI for the picture but if I want to post a local picture from the mobile, what I should specify here or how can i get the uri for the local picture? Thanks a lot!

我上次使用Facebook SDK时,无法将本地照片发布到用户的墙上;您必须已经将照片在线托管在某个地方.但是,您可以发布到用户的照片部分.

The last time I looked at working with the Facebook SDK it wasn't possible to post a local photo to the user's wall; you had to have the photo hosted online somewhere already. However you can post to the user's photos section.

在应用中心上有一个论坛帖子提供执行此操作的代码.我认为 Facebook C#SDK 支持WP7,但我不支持确定是否可以进一步简化此过程.

There is a forum post on the App Hub that gives the code for doing this. I think the Facebook C# SDK supports WP7, but I'm not sure if it will simplify this process any further.