

我们正在开发仅作为弹出窗口运行的IE网络应用程序 - 没有任何工具栏。有没有办法调用IE开发人员的工具栏,除了使用IE工具栏上的按钮,因为它不可见?

We are working on IE only web application that is run as a pop up window - without any toolbars. Is there a way to invoke IE developer's toolbar besides using a button on the IE toolbar, since it is not visible?



I had the same problem, I was forced to modify my code, so that I have a server variable read from a config file if we show the toolbar or not. This way when we are in dev or qa we show the toolbar, but in production we hide it.


If someone knows of a better way hopefully they will chime in.

哦,这对于模态对话框window.showModalDialog(或者如果ie)根本不起作用支持它window.open(页面,modal = yes))和ctrl-n也不起作用。

Ohh and this doesn't work at all for a modal dialog window.showModalDialog (or if ie supports it window.open(page,"modal=yes") ) and ctrl-n doesn't work either.