c ++:如何调试使用“Microsoft Visual C ++”编译的C ++应用程序工具链在eclipse?


我已经安装了Eclipse CDT和CDT Visual C ++支持(从Yoxos市场)。

I have installed Eclipse CDT and CDT Visual C++ Support (from the Yoxos Marketplace).

这让我编译和运行一个C ++应用程序,它。

This lets me compiled and run a C++ application, however, I cannot debug it.

所以,我已经安装了一个gdb windows二进制使用mingw分布。现在,当我尝试调试,以下消息显示在控制台 - 没有符号表加载。使用file命令。

So, I have installed a gdb windows binary using the mingw distribution. Now, when I try to debug, the following message is displayed in the console - No symbol table is loaded. Use the "file" command.

我未经教育的猜测是gdb无法调试Visual C ++编译器生成的二进制文件。

My uneducated guess is that gdb cannot debug binaries produced by the Visual C++ compiler.

我的问题是 - 如何在使用Visual C ++工具链构建的eclipse中调试C ++代码?

My question is - how do I debug C++ code in eclipse built using the Visual C++ toolchain?


  • Windows 7 64位

  • Eclipse Indigo(目前最新版本)

  • Visual Studio 2010,因此Visual C ++ ver 10

  • GNU gdb(GDB)7.3.1

  • 我不知道如何获取版本的CDT,但我有这个jar - org.eclipse.cdt_8.0.0.201109151620.jar,所以我想版本是8.0

  • Windows 7 64 bits
  • Eclipse Indigo (the latest version at the moment)
  • Visual Studio 2010, hence Visual C++ ver 10
  • GNU gdb (GDB) 7.3.1
  • I do not know how to get the version of CDT, but I have this jar - org.eclipse.cdt_8.0.0.201109151620.jar, so I guess the version is 8.0



移动到MinGW g ++编译器对于这个问题,所以请不要建议它的答案。

Moving to the MinGW g++ compiler is off scope for this question, so please - do not suggest it as the answer.

据我知道你不能调试使用仅由CDT插件支持的gdb的Visual C ++应用程序。

As far as I know you can't debug Visual C++ applications using gdb which is only supported by CDT plug-in.

Visual C ++工具链的调试程序称为CDB,您必须搜索可以使用它的工具。确保Visual C ++ IDE(甚至从Express Edition)可以用于调试在Eclipse + CDT下编译的应用程序。我认为也有一些每晚构建的CodeBlocks IDE可以与CDB合作。

Debugger for Visual C++ toolchain is called CDB and you have to search for the tool that can use it. For sure Visual C++ IDE (even from Express Edition) can be use to debug application that are compiled under Eclipse+CDT. I think that also some nightly builds of CodeBlocks IDE can cooperate with CDB.