

我在一个MySQL数据库表上工作,该表的列包含我对其他主机执行ping操作时的时间戳记(例如2014-09-16 09:08:05).我的问题是如何在几分钟内计算出针对特定主机的第一次ping和最后一次ping之间的差异?另外,如何为上述差异的开始和结束指定不同的时间戳(而不是第一次和最后一次ping).这是表格的示例:

I work on a MySQL database table that has a column containing timestamps (Ex. 2014-09-16 09:08:05) of the time I ping different hosts. My question is how could I calculate in minutes the difference between the first ping and the last one for specific hosts? Also how could I specify different timestamps for the start and the end of the difference mentioned above (instead of the first and last ping). Here is an example of the table:

|id|http_code|pingtime           |host|
|10|200      |2014-09-16 09:08:05|2   |
|11|200      |2014-09-16 10:07:05|1   |
|12|200      |2014-09-16 10:14:10|2   |


I hope that I've explain myself clear enough.


If you want to find the difference between the first and the last timestamp of a given host ID, here you are:

FROM yourTable
WHERE host = 2;