在VB.NET中添加带有子网掩码的IP地址-Using.Net Framework 4.0



如何在Visual Studio 2010中使用VB.NET以编程方式添加带有子网掩码的IP地址?



I have a windows application through which I would like to add IP Address with Subnet Mask programatically to communicate with external devices such as routers.

How to add IP Address with Subnet Mask programatically using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2010?

Any inbuilt methods provided in VS2010? Please suggest.

Please help me with sample code.


Visual Studio中没有任何内容,没有,因为Visual Studio用于编写调试代码.它与网络完全无关.

.NET Framework没有提供任何本机类或方法来启用"IP别名".

IP Alias? Describe what it is you''re talking about.

There is nothing in Visual Studio, no, because Visual Studio is used to write an debug code. It has nothing to do with networking at all.

The .NET Framework doesn''t supply any native classes or methods to enable an "IP Alias".

Perhaps a better explanation of what this is and the steps you take to do this manually would help.