如何使用VB.NET区分以太网和WiFi IP地址



I am trying to develop a generic VB.NET based application that will return me the Ethernet IP Address of the local machine. I have referred to several questions discussed here for getting the IP Address of the machine and found a few good suggestions.


The problem I am facing is, when I run this application, it returns me the IP Address of both WiFi and Ethernet. When I run this application on somebody else's machine, I unable to tell which IP Address belongs to which interface. I am interested in Ethernet IP Address only.



Here is the function that returns the list of IP Addresses.

Function getIP() As String

    Dim ips As System.Net.IPHostEntry = System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName)

    For Each ip In ips.AddressList
        If (ip.AddressFamily = System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork) Then
            Return ip.ToString
        End If
    Return Nothing

End Function

而不是通过 IPHostEntry ,您可以通过网络适配器进行枚举,然后从每个适配器获取IP地址。

Rather than getting IP addresses via an IPHostEntry, you can enumerate through the network adapters, then get the IP addresses from each adapter.

A NetworkInterface 通过 NetworkInterfaceType 属性提供其类型。对于以太网适配器,这将返回 Ethernet 。对于无线适配器,文档未指定,但是为我返回了 Wireless80211

A NetworkInterface provides its type via the NetworkInterfaceType property. For ethernet adapters, this returns Ethernet. For a wireless adapter, the documentation doesn't specify, but it returned Wireless80211 for me.


Imports System.Net.NetworkInformation

Public Class Sample

    Function GetIP() As String
        Dim networkInterfaces() As NetworkInterface

        networkInterfaces = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()

        For Each networkInterface In networkInterfaces
            If networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType = NetworkInterfaceType.Ethernet Then
                For Each address In networkInterface.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses
                    If address.Address.AddressFamily = Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork Then
                        Return address.Address.ToString()
                    End If
                Next address
            End If
        Next networkInterface

        Return Nothing
    End Function

End Class


Or, if you want a slightly more concise version, you could use LINQ (equivalent to the code above):

Function GetIP() As String
    Return (
        From networkInterface In networkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
        Where networkInterface.NetworkInterfaceType = NetworkInterfaceType.Ethernet
        From address In networkInterface.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses
        Where address.Address.AddressFamily = Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork
        Select ip = address.Address.ToString()
End Function