

大家好,我在 Ubuntu 13.10 PC 上安装了最新版本的 diaspora,使用 rails 4.1.2 和 ruby​​ 2.0.0 一切正常,但我想将应用程序的名称从 diaspora 更改为其他名称.是吗可能这样做.我是 Rails 新手,如果可以,请帮忙.谢谢

Hey guys I had installed the latest version of diaspora on my Ubuntu 13.10 PC with rails 4.1.2 and ruby 2.0.0 everything is working good but I want to change the name of the app from diaspora to something else.is it possible to do so.I am new to rails please help if u can.Thanks

  1. 打开config/diaspora.yml
  2. settings 部分搜索密钥 pod_name
  3. 将值更改为您想要的任何值并保存文件
  4. 重启侨民*

附言.OT 注意,Canonical 不再支持 Ubuntu 13.10 - 你应该升级;)

Ps. OT note, Ubuntu 13.10 is no longer supported by Canonical - you should upgrade ;)