

是否可以即时更改WinRT中的UI文化?我找到了ApplicationLanguages.PrimaryLanguageOverride = "en";,但这仅在显示应用程序UI之前有效,而在之后不起作用(例如,我想通过设置更改UI语言).

Is it possible to change the UI Culture in WinRT on-the-fly? I've found ApplicationLanguages.PrimaryLanguageOverride = "en";, but this only works before showing the app UI and not afterwards (e.g. I want to change the UI language through the settings).

有可能. SDK资源中有一个示例. 有不同的方案.方案8显示了如何动态更改语言.

It is possible. An example is in the SDK resources. There are different scenarios. Scenario 8 shows how to change language on the fly.