适用于移动设备和台式机的Django WebApp


我用django制作了一个Web应用程序,它在桌面浏览器上看起来非常不错,但是在移动浏览器中,某些页面看起来并不完美. 我的模板目录是myproject/template/,我想为移动浏览器myproject/template_mobile/创建新的模板,并且每当网页通过移动设备访问时,它就会重定向到myproject/template_mobile/模板,否则它将通过myproject/template/.有什么方法可以使它成为setting.py还是decorates?我不想更改整个视图和旧模板.

I made web-app with django which is perfectly looking nice over desktop-browser but in mobile-browser some pages are not looking perfectly. My template directory is myproject/template/ I want to make new templates for mobile browsers myproject/template_mobile/ and whenever webpages access trough mobile it redirect to myproject/template_mobile/ template else it goes trough myproject/template/. Is there any way to make it form setting.py or from decorates?I don't want to change whole views and old templates.


最后,我得到了解决方案: 我为此使用 django-mobile ,根据要求更改settings.py并做了一个.

finally i got the solution: i use django-mobile for this, change in settings.py as per requirement and made a middleware.py for this.

settings.py:(first follow `django-mobile`)

DESKTOP_TEMPLATE_DIRS = (os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'templates'),)
MOBILE_TEMPLATE_DIRS = (os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'templates/mobile'),)


from django.conf import settings

class MobileTemplatesMiddleware(object):
    """Determines which set of templates to use for a mobile site"""

    def process_request(self, request):
        # sets are used here, you can use other logic if you have an older version of Python
        MOBILE_SUBDOMAINS = set(['m', 'mobile'])
        domain = set(request.META.get('HTTP_HOST', '').split('.'))
        if request.flavour=='mobile':
            settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS = settings.MOBILE_TEMPLATE_DIRS
            settings.TEMPLATE_DIRS = settings.DESKTOP_TEMPLATE_DIRS