

我需要从街景视图全景图中删除街上的街道名称(shortDescription): 我要删除的标签

I need to get the street names (shortDescription) on street floor removed from streetview panorama: Label I want removed

我知道这是有可能的 https://geoguessr.com/world/play

I know this is possible as seen on https://geoguessr.com/world/play

他们似乎使用与自定义google地图布局相同的json语法 f = [{featureType:"poi",elementType:"labels",stylers:[{visibility:"off"}]}]], l = {disableDefaultUI:!0,disableDoubleClickZoom:!0,clickToGo:!0,linksControl:!0,styles:f} 但是我什至不确定这些标签是否确实是POI的一部分...

They seem to use the same kind of json syntax as for customizing a google maps layout f=[{featureType:"poi",elementType:"labels",stylers:[{visibility:"off"}]}], l={disableDefaultUI:!0,disableDoubleClickZoom:!0,clickToGo:!0,linksControl:!0,styles:f} But I'm not even sure these labels are actualy part of the POI ...

我真的需要一些帮助 谢谢!

I really need some help Thanks !


Try to use the showRoadLabels option on StreetViewPanoramaOptions. Works fine for me.

  var panorama = map.getStreetView();
     showRoadLabels: false

文档: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/3.exp/reference#StreetViewPanoramaOptions