

是否有任何开源, PHP基于,基于角色的访问控制系统,可用于 CodeIgniter

Are there any open source, PHP based, role based access control system that can be used for CodeIgniter?

Brandon Savage介绍了他的PHP软件包 ApplicationACL ,可能或可能不完成基于角色的访问。 PHPGACL 也可能工作,但我无法确定。

Brandon Savage gave a presentation on his PHP package "ApplicationACL" that may or may not accomplish role-based access. PHPGACL might work as well, but I can't tell you for sure.

但我可以告诉你,是 Zend框架的Zend_ACL 组件将执行基于角色的设置(但是,您必须子类化以同时检查多个角色)。因为这是痛苦的,你必须拉出Zend_ACL,我不相信它有任何外部依赖,从单片下载(或SVN检出)。

What I can tell you, however, is the Zend_ACL component of the Zend Framework will do role-based setups (however you'll have to subclass to check multiple roles at once). Granted the pain of this is you'll have to pull out Zend_ACL, I do not believe it has any external dependencies, from the monolithic download (or SVN checkout).


The nice thing about Zend_ACL is though its storage agnostic. You can either rebuild it every time or it's designed to be serialized (I use a combination of both, serialize for the cache and rebuild from the DB).