

今天,我已从XFCE转到GNOME,发现缺少一些很酷的东西,我想(尝试)自己做.我试图找到有关如何开发Gnome applet(您放置在面板中的项目)的信息,并且很可能是在Python中开发的信息,但这并不是一个硬限制.

Today I've switched to GNOME (from XFCE) and found some of the cool stuff missing and I would like to (try to) do them on my own. I tried to find information on how to develop Gnome applets (items you place within the panel) and most likely in Python, but it's not a hard limitation.

我发现了文章带有Python的侏儒小程序" ,但它看起来已经很老了(2004).提到的第一件事是bonobo(无论它是什么),但是 Bo黑猩猩上的Gnome页面不建议这样做.

I found the article 'Gnome applets with Python', but it seems quite old (2004). The first thing mentioned there is bonobo (whatever it is), but Gnome page on Bonobo discourages it.

Gnome网站上有关于applet开发的页面,但是这一页甚至更老(2003年)且不完整(很多fixme write).

Gnome site has a page on applet development, but this one is even older (2003) and incomplete (lot of fixme write).


What is the current approach then? I wouldn't want to learn something outdated.

有一篇名为 Gnome的文章可以从Ubuntu论坛上的2008年开始使用Python面板小程序.


This includes defining a bonobo component. This Gnome documentation on applet development states that


Technically, applets are Bonobo controls embedded in the Gnome panel


So it looks like that is the correct way to go.