




i have a listview with some items, the list view is bind to an list of objects. When i select an item from the list view, i want to appear some buttons and TextBlock down from the listview and when i click on another item in listview i want other buttons and TextBlock to be shown. I think it has something to do with user control because i know that having all the buttons and TextBlocks one over another and just make them visible and hidden will not solve my problem nicely.

How can i make this nice?


What is the issue, do you want toi show more than one item ? Create a data bound control and add items to it, and they will all appear.

按照Wes Aday的建议,您应该创建一个用户控件uielement.

As Wes Aday suggested, you should create a usercontrol uielement.

When the user selects an item in the list, this will cause an event or if bound to a ViewModel, update a selected item property. From this you could use a mediator / event aggregator to control the two elements communications, or if you are just using code behind then just create a new instance of the usercontrol and insert into an area on the view.