使用 Rally REST API,如何获取用户故事的非 API(网站)URL?


我正在使用 Rally REST API 将来自 Rally 的用户故事数据集成到另一个应用程序中.我从 Rally 检索用户故事数据没有问题,但是,我想为其他应用程序的用户提供一个超链接,以便单击以转到 Rally GUI 中的该用户故事(不使用任何 API).

I'm using the Rally REST API to integrate user story data from Rally into another application. I have no trouble retrieving the user story data from Rally, however, I would like to provide a hyperlink for the users of the other application to click on to go to that user story within the Rally GUI (not using any API's).

例如,使用 REST API 的用户故事的 URL 类似于:

For example, the URL for a user story using the REST API is something like:


而用户用于在 Rally 中查看该故事的 URL 类似于:

whereas the URL that a user would use to view that story within Rally is something like:


有没有办法从 REST API 获取用户故事的 GUI URL(Rally 的最终用户会使用的 URL)?

Is there a way to get the GUI URL of a user story (the URL that an end user of Rally would use) from the REST API?

ProjectID 实际上是可选的,因此您也可以通过这样的链接进入详细信息页面:https://rally1.rallydev.com/#/detail/userstory/12345

The ProjectID is actually optional, so you will get to the detail page with a link like this as well: https://rally1.rallydev.com/#/detail/userstory/12345

但是,不保证此网址格式不会更改.在新的 App SDK 2.0 中,我们将提供某种版本化实用程序,用于为项目构建详细链接以解决此问题...

However this url format is not guaranteed not to change. In the new App SDK 2.0 we will make available some sort of versioned utility for building detail links for items to account for this...