

Github.new basic_auth:'用户名:密码 Github.new组oauth_token'令牌',但我不完全知道如何让该令牌作为响应。任何帮助将是AP preciated!谢谢老乡Ruby专家。

I've decided to use the omniauth-github gem in conjunction with the github_api gem. However, I'm not 100% sure how to use the authorization I've received back from github to use the github_api gem. I know Github.new basic_auth: 'user:password' and Github.new oauth_token 'token' but I'm not exactly sure how to get that token as a response. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you fellow rubyists.


If you add the following line of code at the beginning of your authentications/sessions/callbacks controller action:

render :text => "<pre>" + env["omniauth.auth"].to_yaml and return


You'll be able to inspect the contents of the hash returned by GitHub and see where the token is located inside the hash.

碰巧的是,你可以用标记= ENV [omniauth.auth]得到它。credentials.token


You can now create a new github_api client instance with the token:

Github.new(oauth_token: token)