如何使用GitHub API?



I am not sure what it means when it tells me to use:


GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:sha


How can I use that API call to retrieve the information I am looking for?


GET /repos/:owner/:repo/commits/:sha

  • GET是用于调用此API端点的HTTP方法.

    • GET is the HTTP method to use in order to invoke this API endpoint.


      :owner is the name of the user or organization (eg. octocat is the name of a user).


      :repo is the name of a repository owned by the chosen user or organization (eg. the octocat user shares the Spoon-Knife repository)

      :sha是40个字节长的 唯一标识符 的Git对象

      :sha is the 40 bytes long unique identifier of a Git Object

      您必须在呼叫之前加上 根端点 -> https://api.github.com.

      You have to prepend you call with the root endpoint -> https://api.github.com.


      • 提交 bb4cc8d3b2e14b3af5df699876dd4ff3acd00b7f
      • 在资源库中汤匙
      • 属于用户 octocat
      • The commit bb4cc8d3b2e14b3af5df699876dd4ff3acd00b7f
      • In the repository Spoon-Knife
      • Belonging to the user octocat

      一个人会向以下网址发出 GET Http调用

      One would issue a GET Http call to the following url



      For instance, using the following curl command...

      $ curl https://api.github.com/repos/octocat/Spoon-Knife/commits/bb4cc8d3b2e14b3


      ...will return the following Json payload

        "sha": "bb4cc8d3b2e14b3af5df699876dd4ff3acd00b7f",
        "commit": {
          "author": {
            "name": "The Octocat",
            "email": "octocat@nowhere.com",
            "date": "2014-02-04T22:38:36Z"
          "committer": {
            "name": "The Octocat",
            "email": "octocat@nowhere.com",
            "date": "2014-02-12T23:18:55Z"
          "message": "Create styles.css and updated README",
      ...[snipped for brevity]...
            "patch": "@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@\n+* {\n+  margin:0px;\n+  padding:0px;\n+}\n+\n+#octocat {\n+  display: block;\n+  width:384px;\n+  margin: 50px auto;\n+}\n+\n+p {\n+  display: block;\n+  width: 400px;\n+  margin: 50px auto;\n+  font: 30px Monaco,\"Courier New\",\"DejaVu Sans Mono\",\"Bitstream Vera Sans Mono\",monospace;\n+}"


      @matsjoyce 正确指出的是,许多库都对这种低级操作进行了抽象,并且公开一个更加用户友好的界面.其中大多数列出在 https://developer.github.com/libraries/


      As rightfully pointed at by @matsjoyce, numerous libraries abstract this low level operations and expose a more user friendly interface. Most of them are listed at https://developer.github.com/libraries/