

在多核处理器中,Windows应用程序运行许多线程. 默认情况下的线程是否在多个内核上运行? 我的意思是每个线程都可以在单个内核上运行.

In multi-core processors, and windows application runs many threads. do the threads by default run on more than one core ? I mean every thread might run on individual core.


If my application runs many threads, all these threads will run on one process.



Is the process able to devide and run on many core ?


Does my application get benifit of multi-core processing ?


(Your question is fairly unclear. I hope I've answered what you were asking, but if you can clarify the question that would help.)


It's up to the OS where a thread is scheduled. There are advantages to keeping a thread on the same core if possible, in terms of cache coherency etc — but forcing it to stay on the same core is usually overly restrictive.

简而言之:是的,线程可以在不同的内核上运行.当然,不是同一时间-这只是执行的一个线程—但是它可以在T 0 的时间在C 0 内核上执行,然后在T 1 的时间在C 1 内核上执行>.

In short: yes, a thread can run on different cores. Not at the same time, of course - it's only one thread of execution — but it could execute on core C0 at time T0, and then on core C1 at time T1.

您谈论的是一个运行许多线程的应用程序,但是没有并行编程"—这是一个矛盾.如果您使用多个线程,则 使用并行编程,并且默认情况下,这些线程可以在多个内核上运行.如果您仅使用一个线程,那么拥有多个内核将不会有任何好处—当然,除了其他进程可以使用其他内核这一事实之外.

You talk about an application running many threads, but "without parallel programming" — that's a contradiction in terms. If you're using many threads, you are using parallel programming, and by default those threads can run on multiple cores. If you're only using one thread, then you won't get any benefit from having multiple cores — other than the fact that other processes can use the other cores, of course.