


I wish to find the last occurrence of an item 'x' in sequence 's', or to return None if there is none and the position of the first item is equal to 0


def PositionLast (x,s):

    count = len(s)+1
    for i in s:
        count -= 1
        if i == x:
           return count
    for i in s:
        if i != x:
           return None


>>>PositionLast (5, [2,5,2,3,5])
>>> 4


This is the correct answer. However when I change 'x' to 2 instead of 5 I get this:

>>>PositionLast(2, [2,5,2,3,5])
>>> 5

这里的答案应该是2. 我对这种情况的发生感到困惑,如果有人可以解释我需要纠正的内容,我将不胜感激. 我还想用最基本的代码来完成此操作.

The answer here should be 2. I am confused as to how this is occurring, if anyone could explain to what I need to correct I would be grateful. I would also like to complete this with the most basic code possible.



To do it efficiently, enumerate the list in reverse order and return the index of the first matching item (or None by default), e.g.:

def PositionLast(x, s):
    for i, v in enumerate(reversed(s)):
        if v == x:
            return len(s) - i - 1  # return the index in the original list
    return None


Avoid reversing the list using slice notation (e.g. s[::-1]) as that would create a new reversed list in memory, which is not necessary for the task.