

正如我们所知,使用 android 网格视图,我们可以执行以下操作并在单击项目时收到通知:

as we know using android grid view, we can do the following and get notified when item is clicked:

gridview.setOnItemClickListener(new AdapterView.OnItemClickListener() {
    public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View v, int position, long id) {
    Toast.makeText(PopularCapitActivity.this, "" + position, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


we also know that, if the cell in the grid contains a clickable item, say a button, the above won't get fired.


so currently i have a grid view, each cell has its own button, so now when user clicks on the button, it will have its own action based on the cell the button resides in, my question is, how can i access the cell position in the button handler?


假设您正在为 GridVIew 使用自定义适配器,在 getView 方法中,您可以简单地向包含传递到 getView 的位置的 Button 对象添加一个标记:

Assuming you are using a custom adapter for the GridVIew, in the getView method you can simply add a tag to the Button object that contains the position passed into getView:

button.setTag(new Integer(position));

然后,在 onClickListener 方法中,使用传入的视图(按钮),您可以执行以下操作:

Then, in the onClickListener method, with the view that is passed in (the button) you can do:

Integer position = (Integer)view.getTag();


And then handle the position value from there.



而不是使用 Integer 构造函数.

rather than using the Integer constructor.