Linux交叉编译器为Cygwin - 无法在线找到Linux Cygwin编译工具链


关于此处的更多信息编译Linux二进制文件x86 / x86-64)在Windows下

I have installed Cygwin and followed the necessary steps to install the right packages to allow for Linux cross-compilation on Windows. More info on procedure here Compiling Linux binaries (x86/x86-64) under Windows

但是,我不能从上面的源代码或在线的任何地方获得实际的Linux编译器工具小时的搜索)。下载到Cygwin的Linux交叉编译器指向 Metamod-P ,我不知道Metamod-P是什么。

However, I am not able to obtain the actual Linux compiler tools from the source above, or anywhere online (after hours of searching). The download to the Linux cross-compiler for Cygwin points to Metamod-P, I wonder what Metamod-P is.


How or where can I get the required Linux cross-compiler for cygwin?

Cygwin Ports 资料库包含cross - 用于i686,x86_64,armv7hl和aarch64 GNU / Linux目标的编译器。查找 Devel 类别下的 linux - * - gcc - * 包。

The Cygwin Ports repository contains cross-compilers for i686, x86_64, armv7hl, and aarch64 GNU/Linux targets. Look for the linux-*-gcc-* packages under the Devel category.