使用CMake GUI设置交叉编译器文件



I'm trying set-up my cross-compile build using CMake. So far I'm setting the cross compiler file calling CMake like this from the command line:

#Call cmake with the given options
cmake -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$cross_cmp_file \
      -D BUILD_TESTS:BOOLEAN=$build_test \



Now I'm trying to set the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE variable from the GUI by adding:

#CMAKE cross compiler file
set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "Toolchain file" CACHE FILEPATH "../arm-crosscompile.cmake")


To my CMakeLists.txt.

这实际上在GUI中显示了该变量,但是当我按下配置按钮时,默认情况下,出现在CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER变量中的c ++编译器是该变量,而不是在工具链文件中指定的变量。

This actually shows the variable in the GUI but when I press the "Configure" button, the c++ compiler that appear in the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER variable is the one by default and not the one specified in the toolchain file.


How can I set the toolchain file from the Cmake-GUI?


第一次按下配置按钮时,将指定生成器参数,为项目选择任何生成器。然后选择选项指定要交叉编译的工具链文件 ,然后单击下一步:

The first time you press the "Configure" button you will get to specify the generator parameters, select any generator for your project. Then select the option "Specify toolchain file for cross-compiling" and click next:


Click Next. In the following dialog, input the path to the cross-compilation file and you're done.