

我想在IPython中使用Jython解释器,这样我就可以使用像tab完成的东西,也许还可以使用IPython笔记本。 IPython常见问题解答网站会介绍这是否可行。我有两个问题:

I'd like to use the Jython interpreter with IPython, so that I could use things like tab completion and perhaps the IPython notebook. The IPython FAQ site steps around whether this is possible. I have two questions:

  1. 说Jython 可以与IPython一起工作:我该怎么做呢把他们绑在一起?当我执行 $ ipython 时,我正在运行Python解释器。我如何设置IPython以便运行Jython解释器?

  1. Say Jython could work with IPython: how do I actually go about tying them together? When I execute $ ipython, I'm running a Python interpreter. How do I set up IPython so that I run a Jython interpreter?

即使我知道如何做#1,我也一直在寻找它就像让Jython与IPython一起工作的努力一样,也许是因为常见问题解答网站上提到的readline问题。但是,搜索显示readline应该在Jython中工作;请参阅 jython wiki 。所以,这里的问题是:如果某种readline功能可用,现在可以在IPython中使用Jython吗?

Even if I knew how to do #1, I've searched around and it seems like the effort to get Jython working with IPython has been ditched, perhaps for the readline issues mentioned on that FAQ site. However, searching has shown that readline should work in Jython; see jython wiki. So, the question here is: is it now possible to use Jython in IPython, if some sort of readline functionality is available?

在Jython上运行得不好。 Ipython认为这是一个将在未来的网站上修复的错误。希望这有帮助!

Sadly, I don't think it is really possible. It might be because ipython has some explicit dependencies on the underlying OS, which doesn't work so well on Jython because it's dispatching on an os computer. Ipython considers this a bug that will be fixed in the future on their website. Hope this helped!