从模板内的 Angular 2 类调用方法


我有一个 angular 2 应用程序,它有一个名为 User 的类.这个用户有一个名为 deleted_at 的属性,它要么是 null 要么包含一个日期时间,显然如果 deleted_at 属性不是空代码>.这是我的 user.ts 文件的样子:

I have a angular 2 application that has a class called User. This user has a attribute called deleted_at that is either null or contains a datetime, obviously the user is deleted if the deleted_at property isn't null. This is how my user.ts file looks:


export class User {
    id: number;
    email: string;
    created_at: string;
    first_name: string;
    last_name: string;
    deleted_at: any;

    name() {
        if (this.deleted_at === null) {
            return this.first_name;
        } else {
            return 'DELETED';


Now I expected that I could just call name in my template with a simple line:

{{ user.name }}

然而这什么都不返回,你如何在 angular 2 模板中调用某些函数?还是不允许?

This however returns nothing, how can you call certain functions in the angular 2 template? Or isn't this allowed?

稍微清理一下,这是我在组件 user-list.component.ts中使用的类 User强>,在这个组件中处理多个用户.

to clear stuff up a bit, this is a class User that I am using in my component user-list.component.ts, multiple users are handled in this component.


{{user.name()}} // instead of {{user.name}}

对于这种方法,您需要注意您将丢失执行上下文 (this).有关更多详细信息,请参阅此问题:

For this approach you need to be aware that you will lose the execution context (this). See this question for more details:

或者您将方法定义为 getter,以便您可以在模板中使用 user.name:

Or you define your method as a getter so you can use user.name in your template:

get name() {
  if (this.deleted_at === null) {
    return this.first_name;
  } else {
    return 'DELETED';