


In a Win forms application I have a problem with data binding and showing a command button column in the DataGridView as the last column allowing users to save each records after editing the content.


This is the binding part done in the presenter class

private void ShowEarnings()
    BindingSource BS = new BindingSource();
    var wageInfo = _WageManager.PrepareEarnings(_Model); // wageInfo contains a list of earnings objects.
    BS.DataSource = wageInfo.GetEarnigsList(); //Earnings List contained in WageInfo object is returned.           
    _View.EarningDetails = BS;


In the form_load event I add a command button column to the DGV as follows

private void ShowSaveEarningsButton()
    DataGridViewButtonColumn col = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
    col.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true;
    col.Text = "SAVE";
    col.Name = "ACTION";

当加载窗体的最后一列显示的标题 ACTION 和空白按钮在单元格中(第一截屏)所示。当 ShowEarnings()方法被调用时,DGV填充现在的按钮栏显示为第3列(第二截屏)。但应显示为总是最后一列!

When the form is loaded the last column is shown with the header ACTION and a blank button is shown in the cell (first screen shot). When the ShowEarnings() method is called, the DGV is populated and now the button column is shown as the 3rd column (second screen shot). But it should be shown as the last column always!.


How to sort this out please?



if I add the column after the binding it is shown properly. But I want it first!

订阅的 DataBindingComplete 事件和复位在的DisplayIndex 属性。

Subscribe the DataBindingComplete event and reset the DisplayIndex property.

void dataGridView1_DataBindingComplete(object sender, DataGridViewBindingCompleteEventArgs e)
    dgEmployeeEarnings.Columns["ACTION"].DisplayIndex = dgEmployeeEarnings.Columns.Count - 1;