在Linux Shell脚本中并行运行python命令



I have a script which gets input from the user through command line arguments. It processes the arguments and starts running python commands. For Example:

./run.sh p1 p2 p3 p4
python abc.py p1 p4
python xyz.py p2 p3 

其中 p1 p2 p3 p4 可以是任何类型.

where p1, p2, p3 and p4 can be of any type.


I need to run both of these python commands in parallel and in two different terminals. How can I do it so that I don't need to wait for 1 command to finish in order to start the next command?


I tried GNU parallel but it doesn't seem to work.

尝试在后台运行每个进程,方法是在命令末尾添加& .

Try running each process in the background by adding & to the end of the command.

python script1.py arg1 arg2 &
python script2.py arg1 arg2 &

echo "Running scripts in parallel"
wait # This will wait until both scripts finish
echo "Script done running"
