

我已尝试使用命令行functions:config:unset es.tipsinstitue.type,如此处所示环境配置一个>.但这对我不起作用.它给了我以下例外.

I have tried using command line functions:config:unset es.tipsinstitue.type as it is given here Environment Configuration. But this does not work for me. It gives me following exception.

 The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect.


不知道它是否是文档错误.使用firebase functions:config:unset es.tipsinstitue.type代替functions:config:unset es.tipsinstitue.type.这将删除您的环境变量

Don't know whether it is documentation bug or not. Use firebase functions:config:unset es.tipsinstitue.type instead of functions:config:unset es.tipsinstitue.type. This will remove your environment variable