

你会如何在 JavaScript 中对多维数组进行排序?

How would you sort a multidimensional array in JavaScript?


I have an array full of arrays that contain two dates and a string. I need the main array sorted by one of the date arrays, is this possible?


events = [
 { date 1, date 2, string },
 { date 2, date 2, string },

重复的 根据内部数组中的值对外部数组进行排序,javascript在这里你会找到几个答案,就像我自己的

Duplicate of sort outer array based on values in inner array, javascript here you will find several answers, like my own

var arr = [.....]
    return function(a, b){
        return (a[index] === b[index] ? 0 : (a[index] < b[index] ? -1 : 1));
})(2)); // 2 is the index

这对索引 2 进行排序

This sorts on index 2