

我有两个对象数组。我想根据 PermissionObj 过滤数据。

I have got two arrays of objects. I want to filter data based on PermissionObj.

这是来自数据库。这是 permissionObj 中的子数组的数组。

This is coming from database. Here are arrays of sub-arrays in the permissionObj.

const PermissionObj = {
  permission: [
      books: [
          label: "Can View",
          value: "can_view"
      Journals: [
          label: "Can View",
          value: "can_view"
          label: "Can Create",
          value: "can_create"
      deal: [
          label: "Can update",
          value: "can_update"
          label: "Can delete",
          value: "can_delete"

这是静态数据。我想根据 PermissionObj 比较此数据。

this is static data. I want to compare this data based on PermissionObj.

const data = [
    label: "books",
    value: "can_view"
    label: "deal",
    content: [
        value: "can_update"
        value: "can_delete"
      { value: "can_view" }
    label: "Articles"
    label: "Journals",
    content: [
        value: "can_create"
        value: "can_view"
        value: "can_delete"
        value: "can_edit"

我正在尝试基于 PermissionObj过滤对象的数据数组对象数组。这是我尝试的代码。

I am trying to filter the data array of the object based on PermissionObj array of objects. here is my trying code.

const permKeys = PermissionObj.permission.flatMap(item => Object.keys(item));
const filteredData = data.filter(({ label }) => permKeys.includes(label));

这是我的问题,我一直面临着我不想得到 can_edit can_delete (如果与日记中的权限对象不匹配)。在我的权限对象中,日记中没有 can_edit can_delete

Here is my problem, I have been faced is that I don't want to get can_edit, can_delete if it doesn't match with permission objects in journals. In my permission objects, There is no can_edit and can_delete in journals.


My accepted Output would be this format :

const data = [
    label: "books",
    value: "can_view"
    label: "deal",
    content: [
        value: "can_update"
        value: "can_delete"
    label: "Journals",
    content: [
        value: "can_create"
        value: "can_view"

可以使用 reduce 方法并应用逻辑来决定应推送哪些数据:

It is possible to use reduce method and apply logic to decide what data should be pushed:

const result = data.reduce((a, c) => {
   let filterObj = PermissionObj.permission.find(f => f[c.label]);
   if (filterObj) {
      if (c.value) {
      if (c.content) {
         c.content = c.content.filter(f => filterObj[c.label]
             .some(s => s.value.toLowerCase() == f.value.toLowerCase()));
   return a;


const PermissionObj = {
   permission: [
      "books": [
            "label": "Can View",
            "value": "can_view"
      "Journals": [
            "label": "Can View",
            "value": "can_view"
            "label": "Can Create",
            "value": "can_create"
      "deal": [
            "label": "Can update",
            "value": "can_update"
            "label": "Can delete",
            "value": "can_delete"

const data = [
      label: "books",
      value: "can_view"
      label: "deal",
      content: [
         value: "can_update"
            value: "can_delete"
      label: "Articles",
      label: "Journals",
      content: [
            value: "can_create"
            value: "can_view"
            value: "can_delete"
            value: "can_edit"

const result = data.reduce((a, c) => {
   let filterObj = PermissionObj.permission.find(f => f[c.label]);
   if (filterObj) {
      if (c.value) {
      if (c.content) {
         c.content = c.content.filter(f => filterObj[c.label].some(s => s.value.toLowerCase() == f.value.toLowerCase()));
   return a;