为什么我的 AdMob 插页式广告在 Xcode Simulator 中可以正常工作,但在我的测试设备上却无法正常工作?


所以我有这个应用程序,它同时包含一个 admob 横幅广告和一个插页式广告.横幅在所有屏幕上都运行良好.

So I have this app that has both an admob banner ad and an interstitial ad. The banner runs fine on all screens.

插页式广告应该只在一个屏幕上加载——当我在 Xcode 模拟器中测试它时,它加载得很好.但是,当我在 iPhone 4S 和 iPod Touch 5th Gen 上进行测试时,插页式广告无法加载并且出现以下错误:

The interstitial ad is only supposed to load on one screen -- and it loads fine when I test it in the Xcode simulator. But when I test on my iPhone 4S and iPod Touch 5th Gen, the interstitial doesn't load and I get this error:

<谷歌>请求错误:收到无效响应.interstitialDidFailToReceiveAdWithError: 请求错误:收到无效响应.

<Google> Request Error: Received invalid response. interstitialDidFailToReceiveAdWithError: Request Error: Received invalid response.


Anyone ever run into this before or might know why this is happening?


Here's the code I'm working with:

   // interstitial ad variable...
var interstitial: GADInterstitial?
var timer:NSTimer?
var loadRequestAllowed = true
let screen = UIScreen.mainScreen().bounds
let IS_IPAD = UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Pad
var buttonHeight:CGFloat = 0.0
var buttonOffsetY:CGFloat = 0.0
let statusbarHeight:CGFloat = 20.0
var iAdSupported = false

       // load the interstitial
    //Admob Interstitial
    buttonHeight = IS_IPAD ? 30 : 20
    buttonOffsetY = statusbarHeight
    if !iAdSupported {
        interstitial = createAndLoadInterstitial()
    } // closes if !iAdSupported


//        presentInterstitial()
    timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1, target:self, selector: Selector("presentInterstitial"), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
    println("the timer made presentInterstitial run")

 //Interstitial func
func createAndLoadInterstitial()->GADInterstitial {
    var interstitial = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: "ca-app-pub-4471013071748494/2225255714")
    interstitial.delegate = self
    return interstitial
} // closes createAndLoadInterstitial …

func presentInterstitial() {
    if let isReady = interstitial?.isReady {
        println("presentInterstitial function ran")
    } // closes if let isReady
} // closes presentInterstitial …

//Interstitial delegate
func interstitial(ad: GADInterstitial!, didFailToReceiveAdWithError error: GADRequestError!) {
    //  ResultsBtn?.enabled = false
    interstitial = createAndLoadInterstitial()
} // closes interstitial …

您正试图在有机会加载之前展示您的插页式广告.您的 timer 在一秒后触发 func presentInterstitial.将其更改为更大的数字以提供加载间隙的时间.

You are attempting to present your interstitial before it has a chance to load. Your timer fires func presentInterstitial after one second. Change this to a larger number to give the interstitial time to load.

import UIKit
import GoogleMobileAds

class ViewController: UIViewController, GADInterstitialDelegate {
    var admobInterstitial : GADInterstitial?
    var timer : NSTimer?

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        admobInterstitial = createAndLoadInterstitial()
        timer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(5.0, target:self, selector: Selector("presentInterstitial"), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)
    func createAndLoadInterstitial()->GADInterstitial {
        var interstitial = GADInterstitial(adUnitID: "yourAdMobADUnitID")
        interstitial.delegate = self
        return interstitial
    func presentInterstitial() {
        if let isReady = admobInterstitial?.isReady {
    func interstitial(ad: GADInterstitial!, didFailToReceiveAdWithError error: GADRequestError!) {
        admobInterstitial = createAndLoadInterstitial()