当用户在iPhone App中的UITextField中输入值时,如何显示特定的语言键盘?



I want to build an iPhone Application which supports multi-language. In that I want to input values in the language which user has selected from a set of languages in my application's settings. Accordingly, it should show selected language keyboard.


For eg : If user has selected French Language from my application's setting. Then in all the UITextFields of my application, user should be able to input values in French Language. So for that when keyboard opens I need to make sure that it is French Language Keyboard which it shows every time instead of default language keyboard.


So the question is, is It possible to show specific language keyboard whenever user taps on UITextField based on the language selected in the application's settings? If yes then how?


You need to override textInputMode for your UITextView

@implementation UITextView (Localization)

- (UITextInputMode *) textInputMode {
    for (UITextInputMode *inputMode in [UITextInputMode activeInputModes])
        if ([[self langFromLocale:[self localeKey]] isEqualToString:[self langFromLocale:inputMode.primaryLanguage]])
            return inputMode;
    return [super textInputMode];

- (NSString*) localeKey
    NSArray* lang = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]objectForKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
    NSString* currentLang = lang[0];
    return currentLang;

- (NSString *)langFromLocale:(NSString *)locale {
    NSRange r = [locale rangeOfString:@"_"];
    if (r.length == 0) r.location = locale.length;
    NSRange r2 = [locale rangeOfString:@"-"];
    if (r2.length == 0) r2.location = locale.length;
    return [[locale substringToIndex:MIN(r.location, r2.location)] lowercaseString];


And you now can chan change input lang:

[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] setObject:@[@"fr"] forKey:@"AppleLanguages"];
[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] synchronize];