


Is there a way to distinguish special files like symbolic links and pipes using C# and Mono?

该应用程序是一种多平台备份工具,因此我想避免使用互操作库或"C" dll,而是寻找一种直接的托管代码解决方案.

The application is a multi-platform backup tool, so I want to avoid using interop libraries or 'C' dll's and look for a straight managed code solution.


After digging around some more, I've found a solution.

在项目中添加对 Mono.Posix 的引用可以访问某些Unix文件系统属性.

Adding a reference to Mono.Posix to a project gives access to some of the Unix file system attributes.

Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo i = new Mono.Unix.UnixSymbolicLinkInfo( path );
switch( i.FileType )
   case FileTypes.SymbolicLink:
   case FileTypes.Fifo:
   case FileTypes.Socket:
   case FileTypes.BlockDevice:
   case FileTypes.CharacterDevice:
   case FileTypes.Directory:
   case FileTypes.RegularFile:


The above code helps identify a range of special files.

使用 UnixSymbolicLinkInfo 很重要,因为 UnixFileInfo UnixDirectoryInfo 在测试之前解决符号链接.

Using UnixSymbolicLinkInfo is important because both UnixFileInfo and UnixDirectoryInfo resolve the symbolic link prior to testing.