

我看到这一点 - 批处理文件删除文件早于N天

I see this - Batch file to delete files older than N days


But how can I delete files older than N hours or minutes?


它的挑战性要做到这一点(不受时间日期设置),即使是 WSH \\的Jscript \\ VBscript的为WSH不返回日期对象当请求的文件的日期/时间属性,但依赖于时间的设置(WMI可以使用,但是,这将击中的性能)的字符串。
这里是我的最新 一>(和最伟大的:))混合型工具,应该在你的情况下工作。你可以用任何你想要的名称保存它。以下是如何使用它(其名为 FileDateFilterJS.bat 在这个例子中):

Its challenging to do this (independent of time date settings) even with WSH\Jscript\VBscript as WSH does not return date object when you request the date/time properties of a file ,but a string that depends on time settings (wmi could be used but this will hit the performance). I suppose you have installed .net framework which make the task far more easier. Here's my latest (and greatest :) ) hybrid tool that should work in your case. You can save it with whatever name you want. Here's how to use it (its called FileDateFilterJS.bat in this example):

@echo off

for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('FileDateFilterJS.bat  "." -hh -5') do (
    echo deleting  "%%~f#"
    echo del /q /f "%%~f#"


当时间是5 - -hh -5 和目录是当前的 - 。你可以删除回声删除命令。

Where the hours are 5 - -hh -5 and directory is current - "." .You can remove the echo before del command.


This script took me far more time than I've expected (despite I've researched the topic and has some parts ready) and is no so heavy tested so probably is still not buggy-free.And I suppose the help message and options could be improved.