





From long back I am trying understand why interface came into picture when abstract class with non-implemented methods i.e., abstract methods serves the same purpose?

I have seen so many differences from several articles but none of them gave answer for the above question..Can some one please help me to understand it?

What I have tried:

Explored several articles to figure out the answer for it..But not able to find



输入接口:它不是一个类,它是一个合同。界面说你可以加入这个俱乐部,只要你遵守规则 - 规则是你必须实现这些属性和方法。一旦你这样做,你就可以获得俱乐部会员资格的所有好处,但你仍然可以从不同的基类派生你的班级。

你可以构建一个看起来像接口的抽象类,但不能反过来 - 并且你不能从两个抽象基类派生你的类。
C# has a restriction: you can only inherit from one base class, never two or more.
But that give you a problem if you want to add two different behaviors to your class: perhaps it's a Person instance that also acts as a Collection of Attributes. If Person isn't implemented to allow for Attributes at all then you can't use both within teh same class.
Enter the Interface: it's not a class, it's a contract. An Interface says "You can join this club, provided you obey the rules" - and the rules are "you must implement these properties and methods". Once you do, you gain all the benefits of club membership, but you can still derive your class from a different base class.
You can construct an Abstract class that looks like an Interface, but not vice versa - and you cannot derive your class from two Abstract base classes.








Pros and cons...

* An object can implement more than one interfaces, so can disguise itself in different ways.
* Interface can not hold common implementations, so every class must have its own.
Abstract Class:
* In C# you can inherit only from one, so multiply behaviors are not supported via inheritance
* More strict about what (and how) to implement things
* Can hold common implementations