

当文档在浏览器中准备就绪时,为什么以下 JQuery 触发的事件正在运行.我对 JQuery 的经验很少,所以我对此很执着.

Why is the following JQuery triggered event running when the document becomes ready in the browser. I have very little experience with JQuery so I am kinda stuck with this one.

<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form name="f1" id="f1">Input:
    <input list="br" name="b" id="b">
    <datalist id="br">
        <option value="10">
            <option value="11">
                <option value="12">
                    <option value="100">
                        <option value="101">
    <legend id="result"></legend>

    .change(function () {
    var str = $('#b').val();

    $.get("cgi-bin/something.cgi?s=" + str, function (data) {
            .append("Name: " + data.name) 
        .append("Time: " + data.time);
    }, "json");
    alert("Load was performed.");

如果您还可以告诉我,为什么要指出"cgi-bin/something.cgi?s ="+ str为什么在 Get 请求中不包含var str 的原因呢?预先感谢您的帮助.

Bonus points if you can also tell me why "cgi-bin/something.cgi?s=" + str is not including var str in the Get request. Thanks in advance for the help.


The change() event is triggered on load because it's being called without an argument. An extremely simplified version of your code looks like this:

$("#b").change(function(){ /*do stuff*/ }).change();

这可能会造成混淆,因为 change()函数充当处理程序或触发器,具体取决于传递参数的方式(请参阅文档

This can be confusing because the change() function acts as either a handler or a trigger, depending on how an argument is passed (see docs here).

只需删除多余的 change()调用即可解决问题.

Simply removing the extra change() call should do the trick.