IIS6:使用ASP.NET网站作为ASP Classic网站中的虚拟目录.



+-www.somesite.com:ASP Classic网站的IIS根.



I have developed a small application in C# ASP.NET which has to run in a virtual directory of a ASP classic website on a IIS6 server. Like this:

+- www.somesite.com: IIS Root of the ASP Classic site.
+- www.somesite.com/newsite: Virtual Directory to the new ASP.NET site.

Now if I request "www.somesite.com/newsite" in the browser of the server, it says:

Server Error in ''/'' Application.

Runtime Error 
Description: An application error occurred on the server. The current custom error settings for this application prevent the details of the application error from being viewed remotely (for security reasons). It could, however, be viewed by browsers running on the local server machine. 


BUT: The section:

<customErrors mode="Off"/>



is already set to OFF in the current web.config of the virtual directory. AND there are no web.config files in the parent directory(''s), because it is a ASP classic website.

I''ve looked in the error log of the server and found a error about the security settings not being right for the server:

Failed to start monitoring changes to ''D:\Websites\www.somesite.com\web.config'' because access is denied. 

Application virtual path: ''/newsite''.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.

因此,我将虚拟目录文件夹的安全设置更改为与当前ASP Classic网站相同.没有工作.


So I changed the security settings of the folder of the virtual directory to be the same as the current ASP Classic website. Didn''t work.

Can anyone help?

Somebody else copied the server to a different IP adres. So I was updating the wrong server. Oeps...