


I am new to asp.net. I am creating a ASP.net website using VB.net. So here's my problem

Dim myCounter as Integer = 0

Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

        myCounter =  myCounter + 1

        Label1.Text = myCounter.ToString()

end Sub


As expected I always get Label Text as 0 each time click the button. How to I create global variable and increment it.

@Rex M的使用视图状态的建议是不错的。

@Rex M's suggestion for using Viewstate is good.


If the counter is not sensitive information or something you're worried about someone tampering with., here's an easier idea:

您也可以使用< ASP:HiddenField> 并存储该值在那里。然后,它会回发之间持续存在,你可以每次增加它。

You can also use an <asp:HiddenField> and store the value there. Then it will persist between postbacks and you can increment it each time..