


First off let me show you my code:

线程: http://pastebin.com/ie4WD5W8


Then to call the thread i used the following...

    randomKeyGen key1 = new randomKeyGen(ranLKey);

ranLKey是我的标签,我不知道为什么它不起作用.只要我不尝试在线程中放置标签,它就可以工作,但是那会破坏整个目的.因此,上面的代码不能起作用,但是来自 pastebin 的代码似乎很好.希望您能帮助我解决我做错的事情.

ranLKey is my label and I can't figure out why it won't work. As long as I do not try to put a label in the thread it works, but that defeats the entire purpose. So the above code does NOT work, but the code from pastebin seems to be fine. Hopefully you can help me out with what I am doing wrong.


I am using netbeans if that helps at all. Also talked about this before in multiple places. So if you saw me before, then just letting you know I am still looking for help.


我认为问题可能出在 mainFrame setKey(String)和/或 getKey()调用.他们不是在GUI中玩游戏吗?如果是这样,他们应该通过事件分发线程,类似于标签设置(尝试 invokeAndWait(Runnable)).此外,建议在创建新的可运行对象( isEventDispatchThread())之前先检查事件分配线程.

I believe the issue might be in the mainFrame's setKey(String) and/or getKey() calls. Aren't they play with something in GUI? If so they should go through event dispatch thread, similar to the label setting (try invokeAndWait(Runnable)). What's more it's advised to check first for the event dispatch thread before creating a new runnable (isEventDispatchThread()).