Stripe - 一键创建/检索客户


是否有条带 API 调用可用于在用户不存在时创建用户并检索新用户?

Is there a stripe API call that we can use to create a user if they don't exist, and retrieve the new user?


export const createCustomer = function (email: string) {
  return stripe.customers.create({email});

即使使用该电子邮件的用户已经存在,它也会始终创建一个新的客户 ID.是否有一种方法可以仅在条带中不存在用户电子邮件时才创建用户?

even if the user with that email already exists, it will always create a new customer id. Is there a method that will create a user only if the user email does not exist in stripe?

我只想避免竞争条件,在这种情况下,同一时间范围内可能会发生多个 stripe.customers.create({email}) 调用.例如,我们检查 是否存在,不存在,两个不同的服务器请求可能会尝试创建一个新客户.

I just want to avoid a race condition where more than one stripe.customers.create({email}) calls might happen in the same timeframe. For example, we check to see if exists, and does not, two different server requests could attempt to create a new customer.


const email = '';

     return stripe.customers.create(email);
     return stripe.customers.create(email);


obviously the race condition is more likely to happen in two different processes or two different server requests, than the same server request, but you get the idea.

不,在 Stripe 中没有内置的方法来做到这一点.Stripe 不要求客户的电子邮件地址是唯一的,因此您必须亲自验证它.您可以在您自己的数据库中跟踪您的用户并避免重复,或者您可以使用 Stripe API 检查给定电子邮件是否已经存在客户:

No, there is no inbuilt way to do this in Stripe. Stripe does not require that a customer's email address be unique, so you would have to validate it on your side. You can either track your users in your own database and avoid duplicates that way, or you can check with the Stripe API if customers already exist for the given email:

let email = "";
let existingCustomers = await stripe.customers.list({email : email});
    // don't create customer
    let customer = await stripe.customers.create({
        email : email