

wkhtmltopdf --footer-right '[page]/[topage]' http://www.google.com google.pdf

Headers And Footer Options

--footer-center*	<text>	Centered footer text
--footer-font-name*	<name>	Set footer font name (default Arial)
--footer-font-size*	<size>	Set footer font size (default 11)
--footer-html*	<url>	Adds a html footer
--footer-left*	<text>	Left aligned footer text
--footer-line*		Display line above the footer
--footer-right*	<text>	Right aligned footer text
--footer-spacing*	<real>	Spacing between footer and content in mm (default 0)
--header-center*	<text>	Centered header text
--header-font-name*	<name>	Set header font name (default Arial)
--header-font-size*	<size>	Set header font size (default 11)
--header-html*	<url>	Adds a html header
--header-left*	<text>	Left aligned header text
--header-line*		Display line below the header
--header-right*	<text>	Right aligned header text
--header-spacing*	<real>	Spacing between header and content in mm (default 0)

 * [page]       Replaced by the number of the pages currently being printed
 * [frompage]   Replaced by the number of the first page to be printed
 * [topage]     Replaced by the number of the last page to be printed
 * [webpage]    Replaced by the URL of the page being printed
 * [section]    Replaced by the name of the current section
 * [subsection] Replaced by the name of the current subsection
 * [date]       Replaced by the current date in system local format
 * [time]       Replaced by the current time in system local format
