

我在控件上使用wpf样式,以便可以一次在多个控件上使用样式.通常可以.例如,我做了一个saveButtonStyle,并将其应用于应用程序中的每个保存按钮.但这不适用于MenuItems. 我为菜单项创建了样式,该样式在项目旁边包含一个图标. 这是它的一个屏幕截图.

I am using wpf style on my controls so that i can use an style on multiple controls at once. It usually works. for example i made an saveButtonStyle and i apply it on every save button on my application. But it doesn't work on MenuItems. I made a style for my menuitems which contains an icon next to the items. This is one screen shot of it.

您会看到Datagrid有一个ContextMenu,并且其中有多个菜单项.在这种情况下,请注意设置警报.它有一个图标. 设置警报菜单"项也位于该菜单项旁边的另一个菜单数据网格中.当我点击那个 它也出现了

You see the Datagrid has an ContextMenu and within it there is multiple menu items. in this case pay attention to Set Alarm. it has an icon. This Set Alarm Menu item is also in another menu datagrid next to this one. When i click that one it appears too


But problem is when i right click back to the other datagrid the icon is gone and wont come back. this is the screen shot


  <Style x:Key="menuItemAlert" TargetType="{x:Type MenuItem}">
            <Setter Property="Icon">
                    <Image Source="Content/AlertIcon.png" Width="20" Height="20" />


And here is how I apply it to my controls

<MenuItem x:Name="customerContextMenuSetAlarm" Header="SetAlarm"  Style="{StaticResource menuItemAlert}" Click="customerContextMenuSetAlarm_Click"/>


Do you know why it happens?


style menuItemAlert creates only one instance of Image and can display it in one place only. to overcome this make a separate non-shared resource for that Image.

<Image x:Key="AlertIcon" x:Shared="False" Source="Content/AlertIcon.png" Width="20" Height="20" />

<Style x:Key="menuItemAlert" TargetType="{x:Type MenuItem}">
    <Setter Property="Icon" Value="{StaticResource AlertIcon}"/>