将图像从 URL 上传到 Firebase 存储

将图像从 URL 上传到 Firebase 存储


我想知道如何通过 URL 而不是输入将文件上传到 Firebase 的存储(例如).我正在从网站上抓取图像并检索它们的 URL.我想通过 foreach 语句传递这些 URL 并将它们上传到 Firebase 的存储.现在,我让 firebase upload-via-input 使用以下代码:

I'm wondering how to upload file onto Firebase's storage via URL instead of input (for example). I'm scrapping images from a website and retrieving their URLS. I want to pass those URLS through a foreach statement and upload them to Firebase's storage. Right now, I have the firebase upload-via-input working with this code:

var auth = firebase.auth();
var storageRef = firebase.storage().ref();

function handleFileSelect(evt) {
 var file = evt.target.files[0];

  var metadata = {
    'contentType': file.type

  // Push to child path.
  var uploadTask = storageRef.child('images/' + file.name).put(file, metadata);

  // Listen for errors and completion of the upload.
  // [START oncomplete]
  uploadTask.on('state_changed', null, function(error) {
    // [START onfailure]
    console.error('Upload failed:', error);
    // [END onfailure]
  }, function() {
    var url = uploadTask.snapshot.metadata.downloadURLs[0];
    console.log('File available at', url);
    document.getElementById('linkbox').innerHTML = '<a href="' +  url + '">Click For File</a>';}


var 文件 = evt.target.files[0];

var file = evt.target.files[0];

使用外部 URL 而不是手动上传过程?

with to make it work with external URL instead of a manual upload process?

var file = "http://i.imgur.com/eECefMJ.jpg";不起作用!

var file = "http://i.imgur.com/eECefMJ.jpg"; doesn't work!

如果您所做的只是保存 url 路径,则无需使用 Firebase Storage.Firebase 存储用于存储物理文件,而 Firebase 实时数据库可用于存储结构化数据.

There's no need to use Firebase Storage if all you're doing is saving a url path. Firebase Storage is for physical files, while the Firebase Realtime Database could be used for structured data.


var externalImageUrl = 'https://foo.com/images/image.png';

然后将其存储在 json 结构化数据库中:

then you would store this in your json structured database:


如果您想将物理图像直接从外部站点直接下载到存储,那么这将需要发出 http 请求并接收 blob 响应,或者可能需要服务器端语言..

If you want to actually download the physical images straight from external site to storage then this will require making an http request and receiving a blob response or probably may require a server side language ..

Javascript 解决方案:如何使用javascript从url保存文件

Javascript Solution : How to save a file from a url with javascript

PHP 解决方案:从 PHP URL 保存图片