


I'm new to PHP, and most of the time I have been 'echo'ing my HTML. Today, I found this way of doing it, which makes things 1000 times easier:

<?php if(get_field('field_name')){ ?>

   <p>HTML can go here without echo'ing it</p>

<?php } ?>


But is it an accepted way? It seems to work every time. Thanks.


<?php if(...){?> ,以便自动完成/ suggestion功能知道何时使用html以及何时为您的代码提供php建议。当然,最好选择易于阅读的编码风格。


It's mostly about how you like to read your code.

With IDE that has autocomplete/code suggestions it is best to use <?php if (...) { ?> so that autocompletion/suggestion features know when to use html and when php suggestions for your code. And of course it's nice to select coding style that is easy to read later.
As far as I know code highlight wont work, and should not work, inside

echo '<div class="c"><h2>...';



Different coding styles:

Other than what already mentioned there is no big differences. For example using

echo "<div>$var1<h1>$var2</h1>...";


for inserting variables it is easier (less writing), code has smaller footprint and easier to read than this:

// <= Some code...
?><div><?php echo $var1; ?><h1><?php echo $var2; ?></h1>...


还有<?=?> 快捷方式可用,但由于它需要PHP配置,所以我没有使用它(并非总是可用/可更改/可写)值 short_open_tag 进行设置。但是PHP手册说 自PHP 5.4.0起,<?=始终可用。


PHP echo与PHP短标签

Short open tags / why not use:

There is also <?= ?> shortcut available but I have not used it since it requires PHP configuration (which is not always available/changeable/writable) value short_open_tag to be set. However PHP manual says Since PHP 5.4.0, <?= is always available.
See Are PHP short tags acceptable to use?
and PHP echo vs PHP short tags

<?php?> 中的所有内容均由PHP解析:超文本预处理器,因此有人可能会说使用需要更多的资源。 echo'< html>< here>'; ,但是如果您没有超过100000 echo ,这也是进行优化的错误位置或 print 的+开头<?php 并结束?> echo 一样,也很少使用指令,因此在计算cpu指令时,它们几乎相同,至少在我的安装中。



塞巴斯蒂安·伯格曼(Sebastian Bergmann)编写的PHP编译器内部幻灯片

Everything inside <?php ?> is parsed by PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor so someone may say that it takes much more resources to use echo '<html><here>'; but this is again wrong place to do optimization if you don't have over 100000 echo's or print's + starting <?php and ending ?> takes few instructions too as does echo so they are almost same when counting cpu instructions, at least with my installation.
See How exactly is a PHP script executed?
and php.net/manual/en/tokens.php
and PHP Compiler Internals slides by Sebastian Bergmann

1.77s .: 1000000次 $ var = rand(0 ,1); echo‘Foo Bar’。$ var;

1.61s .: 1000000次 $ var = rand(0,1); ?> Foo Bar<?php echo $ var; ?><?php

1.83s .: 1000000次 $ var = rand(0,1); echo Foo Bar $ var;

1.77s.: 1 000 000 times $var = rand(0, 1); echo 'Foo Bar '.$var;
1.61s.: 1 000 000 times $var = rand(0, 1); ?>Foo Bar <?php echo $var; ?><?php
1.83s.: 1 000 000 times $var = rand(0, 1); echo "Foo Bar $var";

if(...){echo something ;; }
<?php if(...){?> something<?php}?>

I really think that it is most about how you like to write/read your code. Sometimes it's better to write and later read
if (...) { echo "something"; }
and sometimes
<?php if (...) { ?>something<?php } ?>

我个人更喜欢使用 echo ...; ,当有很多变量或输出大块的html或仅包含少量变量的长文本时,仅打印出一小段文本和?> ...<?php

Personally I prefer using echo "..."; when there is a lot of variables or only small piece of text printed out and ?>...<?php when outputting large chuncks of html or long text with only few variables. This makes code easier to read.

如果我做对了,php从这个角度来看,首先进行词法分析并将结果传递给加速器,?> text<?php echo text; 有很大的不同,但仍然不会改变普通网站项目中的性能。
更清楚:加速器本身确实可以提高性能,但是要使用?> text<?php echo text; 没什么大不同。

If I got it right, php does lexical analysis first and passes results to accelerator, from this point of view ?>text<?php and echo "text"; has big difference but it still does not change performance within normal website projects.
More clear: Accelerator itself does improve performance but about using ?>text<?php or echo "text"; does not make big difference.


Yes, it is widely accepted and used but I think (at least did not find anything clear from PHP docs) it is still undocumented way, However, as you already know it is not only way. Basically it does just same job as if using echo:

if ( get_field('field_name') ) {
   echo "<p>HTML can go here by echo'ing it</p>";


php.net/manual/en/control- structures.alternative-syntax.php




While trying to find official docs I have read these pages:
used google, and searched some forums.


It seems that clearly documented alternate way is not used so often:

<?php if ($a == 5): ?>
A is equal to 5
<?php endif; ?>


有关分离的官方文档 {} <?php 和?> 在这里:控制结构.intro language.basic-syntax.phpmode.php 一起对其进行了文档记录,但是仅针对替代方式进行了演示(见上文)。


Official documentation about separating { and } by <?php and ?> within conditional statements is here: control-structures.intro and language.basic-syntax.phpmode.php together documented it, however there is demonstration only for alternate way to do it (see above).