


I recently discovered that when you have a page set to session readonly and you are using inproc (in memory) session storage, the session is still writable on that page and is not truly read only. Out of process session storage does respect the readonly setting.


Do you still get the benefit of having no session lock contention when a page is set to readonly and using inproc mode? Will multiple simultaneous requests with the same session Id have to wait for the session lock to release when in readonly and inproc?



Microsoft's documentation on the topic indicates that setting your page-level session state mode to "ReadOnly" should safeguard you against concurrent attempts to write session state information (they'll queue and be handled serially), but multiple readers will be allowed. See the "Synchronizing Access to the Session State" section:


当页面的 EnableSessionState 属性设置为"ReadOnly"时,每个页面请求都会尝试使读者锁定状态信息.在标准ReaderWriterLock语义中,任何数量的阅读器都可以并发访问受保护的信息.但是,任何达到写作者锁定的请求(例如,通过将 EnableSessionState 设置为"true"),将阻止写读取会话状态信息,直到请求保持作家锁完成.

When the EnableSessionState property for a page is set to "ReadOnly," each page request attempts to get a reader lock on the state information. In standard ReaderWriterLock semantics, any number of readers can have concurrent access to the information being protected. Any request that achieves a writer lock (e.g., through EnableSessionState being set to "true"), though, will block writes and reads on the session state information until the request holding the writer lock completes.

只要您想做的就是在 EnableSessionState 设置为"ReadOnly"的情况下从页面中读取会话状态信息,所有读取请求将继续进行而不会阻塞.但是,如果您尝试编写,则文档尚不清楚实际会发生什么.假设使用ReaderWriterLock来同步访问,我想您将不会受到覆盖,竞争条件和其他非同步访问问题的保护.

As long as all you're trying to do is read session state information from your pages while they have EnableSessionState set to "ReadOnly," all read requests will proceed without blocking. If you attempt to write, though, the documentation isn't clear about what will actually happen. Assuming a ReaderWriterLock is all that's being used to synchronize access, my guess is that you won't be protected against overwrites, race conditions, and other non-synchronized access problems.

如果您要尝试写入会话状态,请确保将 EnableSessionState 设置为"true",以确保获得写入器锁定并根据需要进行同步.

If you're going to attempt to write to session state, be sure to set EnableSessionState to "true" to ensure that a writer lock is achieved and synchronization occurs as is needed.
