在Internet Explorer的新选项卡中打开链接时,SessionStorage不为空




但是当我点击鼠标右键并在IE 11中选择在新标签中打开链接时 - sessionStorage不为空。所以我对新身份证的期望失败了。

I need to have some unique id on every opened browser tab (in a javascript object). The Id must be saved through requests and i decided to use sessionStorage for it.

When i opens the new page in browser it works well.
But when i click a link by right mouse button and choose 'Open link in new tab' in IE 11 - sessionStorage is not empty. So my expectations about new id failed .


Chrome works another way, sessionStorage is empty.


Does anyone know how to solve this problem for IE?

我知道这是一个古老的问题,但我今天只是在努力解决这个问题。我正在打开一个新标签,其中包含 target =_ blank的链接,期望sessionStorage为空。它不是。

I know this is an ancient question but I just today struggled with this myself. I was opening a new tab with a link with target="_blank" expecting the sessionStorage to be empty. It was not.

注意:所有这些都是未经测试的代码,但你应该得到jist。我遇到这个问题的浏览器是Firefox 44.0.2。

NOTE: All of this is untested code but you should get the jist. Also the browser I was experiencing this problem with was Firefox 44.0.2.



    //Get saved session data
    var persistedObject = null;

        persistedObject = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem('tabData'));

function updateSessionStorage(){
    var objectToPersist = {};

    //Get some data to persist
    objectToPersist.value1 = "some data";

    //Save the data in the session storage
    sessionStorage.setItem('tabData', JSON.stringify(objectToPersist));


This picked up data from earlier tabs that were closed.


I solved this by changing my code to something like this:


    //Get saved session data
    var persistedObject = null;

        persistedObject = JSON.parse(window.name);

function updateSessionStorage(){
    var objectToPersist = {};

    //Get some data to persist
    objectToPersist.value1 = "some data";

    //Save the data in the session storage
    window.name = JSON.stringify(objectToPersist);

这很有效。在关闭选项卡/窗口之前,窗口名称将保持不变,这正是我期望sessionStorage执行的操作。如果链接处理方没有给出名字,则新页面总是加载 window.name =

This worked beautifully. The window name is persisted until you close the tab/window, which is exactly what I was expecting sessionStorage to do. New pages is always loaded with window.name = "" if no name was given on the link handling side.

你可能错过的是你不能直接开箱即用的名字,比如我的 sessionStorage.setItem('tabData','some data')但你可以通过这样的方式轻松避免这种情况:

What you might miss out on is the fact that you can't straight out of the box use names such as my sessionStorage.setItem('tabData', 'some data') but you can easily avoid this by doing something like this:


function updateSessionStorage(){
    var objectToPersist = {};

        objectToPersist = JSON.parse(window.name);

    if(objectToPersist[tabData] == undefined){
        objectToPersist.tabData = {};

    //Get some data to persist
    objectToPersist.tabData.value1 = "some data";

    //Save the data in the session storage
    window.name = JSON.stringify(objectToPersist);


I hope someone finds this useful.