在Internet Explorer中获取选择框的选项


您好,我正在尝试从html select元素中获取选项.我正在使用的逻辑在firefox中有效,但在IE中不起作用.它给了我options数组的长度或options的数量,但没有给我options的值.如何解决此问题?

Hello I am trying to get the options from a html select element. The logic I am using is working in firefox, but it isn't working in IE. It gives me the length of the options array or the number of options but it isn't giving me the values of options. How do I troubleshoot this issue??

var SelectId= 'select_1'; //id of the html select element
options = document.getElementById(SelectId).options;
for(var o=0;o< options.length;o++)


The following code should put the values into a "vals" array.

var sel = document.getElementById('select_1');
var vals = [];
for (var i = 0; i < sel.children.length; ++i) {
    var child = sel.children[i];
    if (child.tagName == 'OPTION') vals.push(child.value);
// vals now contains the values