


I can't create plot from .nc files using Panoply. The error message reads: "Axis contains NaN". Is there a workaround ?

将NaN更改为正常的缺失值",然后使用Panoply. netCDF运算符(NCO)命令ncatted与NaN一起使用. 首先设置缺少的值(即_FillValue的值 属性),将有问题的变量设置为IEEE NaN值:

Change the NaNs to normal "missing values", then use Panoply. The netCDF Operator (NCO) command ncatted works with NaNs. First set the missing value (i.e., the value of the _FillValue attribute) for the variable(s) in question to the IEEE NaN value:

ncatted -a _FillValue ,, o,f,NaN in.nc

ncatted -a _FillValue,,o,f,NaN in.nc

然后将缺少的值从IEEE NaN值更改为 普通的IEEE编号,例如1.0e36(或其他原始编号) 缺失值是).现在使用Panoply.

Then change the missing value from the IEEE NaN value to a normal IEEE number, like 1.0e36 (or to whatever the original missing value was). Now use Panoply. More at
