

我正在编写一个控制台应用程序,该应用程序通过N个步骤来完成算法。重要的是在执行步骤 N + 1 之前正确完成步骤 N 。否则,程序应停止处理并显示错误消息。

I'm writing a console application that goes through an algorithm with N number of steps. It is important that step N is correctly done before step N+1 is executed. Otherwise the program should stop working with an error message.

我当然可以使用嵌套的如果语句来做到这一点,并使用 try-catch-最终(使用finally标志来决定程序是否应该处理)。但是我正在寻找一种更好的结构化设计模式或方法来做到这一点。有什么建议吗?

I can do this with nested if statements of course and use try-catch-finally (using a continue flag in finally to decided if the program should process). But I am looking for a better structured design pattern or approach to do this. Any recommendations?


I have once created an process that was controlling an automation and I used an enumeration with all the steps

enum AutomationStep{Requested, Started, Waiting, Processing, Terminating};


Later I created a switch/case to process every step differently

switch (currentStep)
  case AutomationStep.Requested : InitializeProcess(); currentstep = AutomationStep.Started; break;
  case AutomationStep.Started : StartTheEngines(); currentstep = AutomationStep.Waiting; break;
  case AutomationStep.Waiting : //etc


You may later use a While to run every step