


I am creating a Woocommerce site where I wanna give vendors to upload products from their front end. But I stuck on a point where I am trying to add woocommerce downloadable products.


//Let's upload the download file Zip 
    $zipattachment_id = upload_music_files($music_ID, $musicZip); //This is my custom function which returns attachment id after file upload

    $download_file_name = $musicZip['name'];
    $download_file_url  = wp_get_attachment_url($zipattachment_id);
    $md5_download_num = md5( $download_file_url );

    //creating array of download product
    $downloadable_file[$md5_download_num] = array(
        'id'   =>  $md5_download_num,
        'name'   =>  $download_file_name,
        'file'   =>  $download_file_url,
        'previous_hash' => ''
    $downloadMusic = serialize($downloadable_file);

    // adding downloadble file with the new array
    add_post_meta( $music_ID, '_downloadable_files', $downloadMusic );


But when I open the product edit from backend no downloadable files exits.


Here is example return of the seriallized array :



I am working with the latest version of woocommerce, can anybody suggest me what I am doing wrong and what can be the right way?

您最好使用 WC_Product WC_Product_Download 方法.我已经重新审视了您的代码,重命名/简称了您的变量名称.

You should better use WC_Product and WC_Product_Download methods. I have revisited your code renaming/shortening a bit your variables names.


//This is my custom function which returns attachment id after file upload
$zip_attachment_id = upload_music_files( $music_id, $music_zip ); 

$file_name = $music_zip['name'];
$file_url  = wp_get_attachment_url( $zip_attachment_id );
$download_id = md5( $file_url );

// Creating an empty instance of a WC_Product_Download object
$pd_object = new WC_Product_Download();

// Set the data in the WC_Product_Download object
$pd_object->set_id( $download_id );
$pd_object->set_name( $file_name );
$pd_object->set_file( $file_url );

// Get an instance of the WC_Product object (from a defined product ID)
$product = wc_get_product( $music_id ); // <=== Be sure it's the product ID

// Get existing downloads (if they exist)
$downloads = $product->get_downloads();

// Add the new WC_Product_Download object to the array
$downloads[$download_id] = $pd_object;

// Set the complete downloads array in the product
$product->save(); // Save the data in database


现在,您必须确保 $music_id 变量是以下位置的产品ID :

$product = wc_get_product( $music_id );

否则,您应该直接从global $product;

来自global $post;$product_id = $post->ID;的产品ID,并对代码进行一些更改:

OR the product ID from global $post; and $product_id = $post->ID;, making some changes in the code:

global $post;
$product = wc_get_product( $post->ID );